Fall Semester of 2021


Fall semester of 2021, students, teachers and parents were all excited to get back to in-person Suzuki group lessons at our home of more than 20 years, University Park Elementary School. We all followed masking protocols set up by the school district in order to stay safe. It was an awesome year of the Fairbanks School of Talent Education group …

December 2021 NEWS!


FSTE group classes have spent a comfortable fall semester at UPark Elementary School. In important ways it was back to the “good old days,” at least for the individual violin, cello, and guitar classes plus piano time with Jim Spontak. Masks, social distancing, and no- touch routines, though not our favorite innovations, became more tolerable as the semester progressed. The …

Graduation , June 2021


Suzuki Graduation was a huge success in all ways imaginable. Students prepared their graduation pieces to a high level and submitted video recordings with their application. Experienced teachers and performers listened to each recording and wrote feedback and gave encouragement to each student. Then in early June, we met at UAF in the music department for rehearsals, everyone masked and …



NEWS FROM FALL 2020 We are remembering moments from the most unusual fall semester in FSTE history and being thankful that music is always available and always a powerful unifying force. Below you will read about highlights from our Suzuki teachers memories and thoughts on this challenging but often rewarding semester. We hope you all enjoyed what we offered and …

Institute Schedule for Saturday, June 1

Michele JeglumUncategorized

TODAY’S  SCHEDULE 11:30 Parent Brown Bag Lunch Talk  Today’s topic will be “Meter Matters: Using meter awareness games to achieve musicality” – Perrin 12:45 Student Recital in Davis Concert Hall 5:00  SAA Focus Meeting in room M301 7:00 Chamber Music and Elective Class Recital in Davis Concert Hall 

Institute Schedule for Friday, May 31

Michele JeglumUncategorized

 TODAY’S  SCHEDULE Special reminder that the graduation recital begins at 12:30 today. Need dinner on Saturday?  Join the Chamber Music and Elective students for a pizza party outside the front doors of the Fine Arts Building on Saturday from 5:30 to 6:30.  This event is open to all FSI participants and their families. The cost is $7 for one slice …

Institute Schedule for Thursday, May 30

Michele JeglumFairbanks Suzuki Institute, Uncategorized

TODAY’S  SCHEDULE Need dinner on Saturday?  Join the Chamber Music and Elective students for a pizza party outside the front doors of the Fine Arts Building on Saturday from 5:30 to 6:30.  This event is open to all FSI participants and their families. The cost is $7 for one slice of pizza, drink, and veggies.  Extra slices are available for …

Institute Schedule for Wednesday, May 29

Michele JeglumFairbanks Suzuki Institute, Uncategorized

TODAY’S  SCHEDULE Need dinner on Saturday?  Join the Chamber Music and Elective students for a pizza party outside the front doors of the Fine Arts Building on Saturday from 5:30 to 6:30.  This event is open to all FSI participants and their families. The cost is $7 for one slice of pizza, drink, and veggies.  Extra slices are available for …

Institute Schedule for Tuesday, May 28

Michele JeglumUncategorized

Parking on Campus All visitors to campus will need to purchase permits to park in campus parking lots during regular business hours. Campus visitors can still park for free on weekends and after 5 p.m. on weekdays. Parking convenient for Suzuki Institute is available by short-term meter kiosk in the Eielson South lot and daily parking permits are available for …

A Typical Day at the Fairbanks Suzuki Institute

Michele JeglumFairbanks Suzuki Institute, Uncategorized

It is nearly time for Institute! You will receive your individual schedule with your registration packet on Tuesday, but here is an overview of a typical day. 8:30 to 11:30 Morning classes 11:30 to 12:30 Lunch and Parent Talks 12:45 -1:45 Student Recital  – Attendance at these recitals is strongly encouraged 2:00 to 6:00 Afternoon Classes Evening events include: Tuesday, …