Graduation , June 2021


Suzuki Graduation was a huge success in all ways imaginable. Students prepared their graduation pieces to a high level and submitted video recordings with their application. Experienced teachers and performers listened to each recording and wrote feedback and gave encouragement to each student. Then in early June, we met at UAF in the music department for rehearsals, everyone masked and the flutes behind plexiglass screens. The graduation leaders and students all enjoyed playing together in person and making music in the moment. The return of live music was wonderful! The result was a beautiful graduation recital in Davis Concert Hall on Saturday, June 4, followed by a celebration reception with cake and lemonade. The photos included here were taken by Robin Maher. Many thanks to her for her beautiful photos and for allowing us to share them with you.

The Suzuki spirit was alive and soaring at this graduation event. We hope that you will feel comfortable with resuming in person group lessons at UPARK this fall. Every effort will be made to keep you safe and healthy as we follow the school district protocols and in addition, ask everyone present to wear a mask. Group lessons are just as important as the private instrument lessons you are all taking. We are excited to be open again and look forward to seeing you soon!